FAQ Zoom Classes

FAQ 0: I know you've been an educator for a really long time, but how does that make you a good Zoom facilitator? 

Answer: Due to the event that shall not be named, I taught for one entire school year on Zoom, and became a WHOA zoom facilitator. I guess there’s a silver lining to everything.  

FAQ 1: Will this training series leave me fluent?

Answer: No—that's how you know it's not a scam. Language acquisition is Slow and Piecemeal and that is fact neither you nor I can make untrue. 

FAQ 2: Will this training series leave me with communicative ability.

Answer: Yes. Even after lesson 1 you will have some communicative ability. 

FAQ 3: Will there be homework?

Answer: Yes. 15 minutes per lesson. 

FAQ 4: What can I expect after the training series?

Answer: You can expect to have a robust Novice Low Mental Representation of the language in your brain-being and commensurate communicative abilities. 

More Answer: You can expect to have been primed to become a language learner for life, and be ready to read not only my subsequent trilogies at more complex levels, but any other materials written for language acquisition at those levels (I will guide you to all these resources), thus continuing to provide your brain-being with the data it needs in order to keep strengthening the mental representation of the target language in your brain. Thus, you may, if you dedicate the time, become native-like in your ability to comprehend and communicate in the Target Language through all the modalities available to humans—listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

Even More Answer: You can also expect to have made a bunch of friends, to have had a ridiculous amount of fun, and to wish it never ended. Pinky promise. 🤞