"If you're looking to learn a new language, these books are a must. I am now attempting to learn a new language for the fourth time and these are BY FAR the best/easiest texts I've used."
—Bri'anna Moore, Adult Learner.
"Comprehensible input is the crucial and necessary ingredient for the acquisition of language."
—Stephen Krashen, PhD., American linguist, educational researcher and activist.
Quijote y Yo is a historical (fan) fiction language acquisition series. Learners grow in age with the characters as they grow in linguistic ability—how cool is that?! After the Novice Low Septology, there are subsequent trilogies at more complex linguistic levels. It is NOT necessary to read the Novice Mid Trilogy to understand the Novice High Trilogy—they are separate stories written with the same core characters. The premise is both research-based and simple—once learners can get through one of my trilogies without looking at the Glossary, they should move on to the next level. This will do more for their acquisition of the Target Language than anything else they've tried, hands down, guaranteed.
—Constanza Ontaneda, Founder.

¡Calma! Whether you are an educator, a learner or the parent of a child whom you wish will one day be multilingual, welcome to Input Wand.
"A perfect way to organize your lessons! I'm a teacher who has embraced CI for over 20 years. The books are meticulously written, providing ample amounts of non-boring repetition of structures. Also, Constanza's way of organizing lessons helps students acquire language more rapidly than I could have imagined."
—Helena B., Middle School Educator.

We can help. Mais...vraiment.
"An AMAZING Resource!!! My daughter is getting tutored with these materials and we have been so happy with the results! She has taken Spanish in school for 2 years and was still struggling with the basics. Now that she is working from these books she is making steady and impressive progress! She is understanding and retaining what she is learning in her lessons, feeling positive about her experience and excited about speaking Spanish! I bought the Quijote y Yo Complete Novice Low Septology and we couldn’t be happier - I would highly recommend it."
—India Adams, High School Parent.

Learning your first language is a life or death matter. Turns out learning your second, third, fourth (you get the drift), is not. The materials you choose must be compelling. Turns out humans (that's you...hopefully) find nothing more compelling than stories.
“I’m Hispanic on my mom’s side, but didn’t speak a word—until Quijote y Yo.”
—Henry Sullivan, Hispanic Adult Learner.

Explicit grammar instruction, memorization and drills are hindrances to language acquisition. This is why textbooks are more often than not an obstacle to authentic communication.
“It’s not easy to learn new words from word lists, where there is no meaningful context. But new words are learned with remarkable facility, especially in stories, when you are reading something that makes sense to you.”
—Frank Smith, Phd. (2007). Reading FAQ, p. 40, Canadian Psycholinguist.

Neither should you notice learning your second, third, fourth (you get the drift). Language acquisition is a by-product of receiving communicative and comprehensible input in the target language.
"I really do believe that the publishing works that Constanza has created will allow for the transformative—the healing power of education to be unlocked, especially in World Language classrooms."
—Angel Gonzalez, PhD., Head of School, De La Salle Academy.

Get ready to have all your classroom needs met. Imagine:
- no prep (for reals)
- engaged students (pretty much all the time)
- authentic communication (yup)
- and much, much more.
With over a decade of experience as a world language educator, Constanza Ontaneda has designed the most comprehensive resource on the market for educators who wish to nurture a research-based, proficiency-oriented, and input-focused practice.
Join the Magic Memo to get Novice Low Ebooks 1 in Spanish and French for FREE.
“The usual definition of “authentic” is “a text written by native speakers for native speakers”. Perhaps a better definition is this one; “A text that is interesting and comprehensible” … In other words, there is nothing wrong with reading texts that are specially prepared for second language students, as long as they are interesting and comprehensible. They can be a helpful first step, leading to the reading of texts that are authentic in the traditional sense."
—Stephen Krashen, PhD.(1997). Foreign Language Education the Easy Way, p. 34. American linguist, educational researcher and activist.

Ready to start communicating? But actually? With a couple of decades as a (disappointed) world language learner under her belt, Constanza Ontaneda designed Input Wand so you don't have to keep adding disappointing educational experiences to the list you already have (don't we all?). Input Wand is designed for humans aged 9-OLD, so, whoever you are, get ready for the MAGIC.
Join the Magic Memo to get Novice Low Ebooks 1 in Spanish and French for FREE.
Yay! And, like Constanza's students say—Slay!
"You sparked my love of Spanish and of history, and I will forever be grateful."
—Nephele Sarrinikolaou, Constanza's former student, currently at Cornell University majoring in Art History and Philosophy and continuing her study of Spanish at the advanced level.

Guide your child (and, inadvertently, yourself!) on a journey to multilingualism. Whether your child is in middle school, high school, or beyond, Input Wand is designed for them. Whether you:
- are the sole input provider in your home
- do not speak any of the target language yourself
- are homeschooling your child
- are purchasing these materials so your child uses them independently
- (insert your custom parent situation here)
Input Wand is designed to make your experience pleasurable, easy and fun.
Join the Magic Memo to get Novice Low Ebooks 1 in Spanish and French for FREE.
“My daughter is finally learning! She said she’s learned more in a few weeks with these books than she did in the entire first semester of the school year.”
—Jen L., High School Parent.