Teacher Training 2024
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Constanza Ontaneda leads World Language Teacher Training at Sunbridge Institute.
July 8-26, 2024
The training included four core classes:
1. Language Lab: Educators are students in an Acquisition-Driven Spanish classroom for absolute beginners, complete with Warm-Up Circle, Story Cycle, Talks and Bonus Tasks.
2. Foundations in Research: Understanding and incorporating The Six Principles of Language Acquisition into one's classroom practice. Text: While We're On The Topic, BVP on Language, Acquisition and Classroom Practice by Bill VanPatten
3. The Grades: Educators are introduced to the developmental stage of learners and general curriculum from 1st - 8th grade. Text: Language Teaching in Steiner-Waldorf Schools, by Johannes Kiersch
The Glue: Learning about and talking about festivals, collaborating with admin & parents, field trips, trauma-informed pedagogy, SEL best practices, facilitating language acquisition for different levels within the same class, giftedness & twice exceptionality, professional development, classroom management.
4. Creating an Acquisition-Driven Unit Plan + Practice Lessons: Educators put everything into practice, creating their own Warm-Up Circles, Story Cycles, Talks and Bonus Tasks for each grade they teach, and practicing the delivery!
Click HERE to find out about the 2026 training