Your FREE Copy of Communication Guide: Quichotte et Moi: Nous N'aimons Rien, Book One in the Novice Low "Aventures" Septology
Your FREE Copy of Communication Guide: Quichotte et Moi: Nous N'aimons Rien, Book One in the Novice Low "Aventures" Septology
Want to learn or teach French?
Get the Communication Guide to Book One of Constanza Ontaneda's Novice Low "Aventures" Septology sent to your email for free when you join the Magic Memo.
This Communication Guide is a downloadable pdf and has ten tasks spanning more than fifty pages.
What is a Communication Guide?
It is a set of compelling, comprehension-based and communication-enhancing
pre-reading, reading, and post-reading tasks
designed to help learners enjoy, comprehend and communicate about this book,
thus strengthening the learner's mental representation of the target language.
All your prep is taken care of. Literally.
Get ready to turbo-charge your mental representation of the language!
Guide your child in the best practices for acquiring language.